Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, every call scheduled for the caller contains the script. Calling script also displays the name of the person to whom call has been schedules for.

Yes, Magnet CRM sends personalized email to everyone. You can design your email and calling template to make it personalized.

While creating the campaign one has to mention the start and end date and also the time slot to send the emails or create calling schedules. System will automatically plan email and calling sequence as per mentioned date and time slots.

System automatically stops sending e-mails to the suspect once a response is received.

Yes, when you create a campaign using a calling script, system automatically distributes all schedules among all callers equally. Every caller will see only schedules which are assigned to the caller.

Yes, it check responses received through email against a campaign message. All responses are captured and shown in portal for ever.

Yes, you can bulk upload your list of suspects, customer, leads using CSV format.

Following are the pre-requisites to launch your campaign.

  1. Add your Email setting. This setting is used for send and receiving emails. 
  2. Create / Upload the list of your contacts into Suspect section.
  3. Create few Email Templates for sending sequential emails.
  4. Create Email plan to put the templates in sequence.
  5. Create new Campaign.
  6. Approve Campaign

Your campaign will automatically schedule mail sending and calling plan as per your templates.